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My Wedding Nightthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 3929 words)

Author: Mag58 Picture in profile
Added: Dec 16 2003Views / Reads: 9252 / 7480 [81%]Story vote: 9.26 (27 votes)
My new husband was fast asleeep but marraige still started with a bang.

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"I LOVE YOU!" My husband, of 9 hours, slurred, as he proceeded to drunkenly slide down the hotel sofa, and fall asleep. My wedding day had been everything that I had ever wished for; it was my 19th birthday, the weather was warm and dry, my dress made me feel like a princess, and the flowers in the church looked absolutely wonderful. Pete's dad, Roger, said, "we'll take him to bed, for you." "Keith, grab an arm!" he shouted to his brother. They then dragged my husband through the hotel lounge, leaving me to say goodnight, and apologise, to the last few of our guests. Pete had been drinking since breakfast, and the champagne, wine and beer had finally taken its toll. When he was this drunk, Peter, would sleep like a baby, until 10 or 11 o'clock in the morning.

"Where do you want him?" Roger asked, as the four of us, entered the bridal suite. "On the bed, I suppose," I replied. After they had, unceremoniously, dropped him onto the bed, Keith asked, "should I undress him?" "I suppose so." I replied.

Roger was divorced from Peters' mum. Leaving Peter to be brought up by his domineering mother, Linda. Peters' dad and uncle are both six feet tall, with rugged good looks. Peter looks more, like his mother, small, thin and very pretty. I was sitting on the sofa, feeling very sorry for myself, when Roger said, smiling, "I'm sorry, my dear, but, you're ...

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