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House Callthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 2730 words)

Author: Sweet Sounds
Added: May 18 2000Views / Reads: 1544 / 1265 [82%]Story vote: 7.00 (1 vote)
A young woman finds herself in need of a repairman. She however gets more then what she bargained for when she called him in to fix her taps *S*

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Kristen was busy doing some house cleaning in the old house she had just purchased. She has recently moved into what she considered to be her dream house. She knew it would take a lot of work and patience to restore it to the way it should be. She however knew that it would be well worth it in the long run.

The house was located in the oldest district of the city. There was a lot of history to the neighbourhood and to the house. She woke up early Saturday morning and decided that she would tackle the master bathroom first. She had put on a pair of her most comfy jeans, black satin panties, a white t-shirt (no bra as she wasn't expecting company) and was bare feet.

Kristen was in her mid twenties. She was petite at 5'5 but had a nice shapely figure to go with it. She worked out regularly at the gym so her body was firm and toned. Her measurements were near perfect. Her only complaint was that she found her boobs to be too large for her small frame. She however had never received any complaints from those that she had dated.

Kristen however admitted to being quite naive and shy. She had only one serious relationship while in college and that ended quite a while ago. She had dated some since then but never seriously. She had not had sex ...

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