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School Projectthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:first time, 2041 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: Netsfan
Added: Dec 19 2003Views / Reads: 12853 / 10353 [81%]Part vote: 4.50 (4 votes)
Rosemary gets assigned a school project and she invites a friend over....

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As Rosemary walked in her English class, she was glad that it was the end of the day. She sat down at her desk and chatted with her few friends. Then suddenly Chris walked in. He was the boy who Rosemary had a crush on since the beginning of the school year. He sat down at his desk and Rosemary drew all the attention she had onto him. The teacher walked in after the bell rang and announced that he was going to assign a project and he was going to pick the groups. Everyone in the class groaned in disappointment. When Rosemary heard her name, she quickly stood up and went to get her assignment sheet. On the sheet, she read the names of her group mates. They were: Dan, Jessica, who was her best friend, and....Chris! She was so excited! She could hardly wait to start to work with him. The teacher announced that everyone was to get together with his or her groups and distribute the parts of the assignment among themselves. Rosemary moved back one seat and Jessica took her seat; Dan already sat near Rosemary so he didn't have to move. Then Chris took a chair from nearby and placed it next to Rosemary. As Chris sat down next to her, her heart raced. The group discussed the parts of the assignment and decided that Jessica was to do the biography of the author, Dan was going to analyze the life of the author, Chris was going to do the timeline of the author's life and Rosemary was going to do the illustrations. They began to come up with some ideas of how to get together and work on the presentation, but the bell rang too soon. Everyone rushed out of class and Jessica waited for Rosemary as she picked up her things. Jessica asked her if she was excited to work with Chris in project because Jessica knew all about ...

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