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Arresting Developmentsthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:bondage, 3494 words)

Author: Fantasilady Picture in profile
Added: Dec 23 2003Views / Reads: 2861 / 2441 [85%]Story vote: 8.90 (10 votes)
Pulled over for a speeding ticket and punished in a most pleasurable way!

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It was a balmy misty evening in November, rather warm for this time of year, nearly 70 degrees out at almost 10:30 PM.

I was driving home from what I was hoping would be a hot night. It went a little like this...I was out dancing at a nightclub with my friend. The music was loud and pulsating and I had already had a few shots and was feeling great! They just kept giving me shots- poured into my mouth while I danced, no less. One shot dribbled down my chin and into my cleavage. A hot sexy guy came up to me, licked my chin, trailed his tongue down the front of my chest and cleaned up my sticky mess and kissed me full on the lips...and then danced away. Ew......that got me hot! After about two hours of dancing and flirting, my friend left with her boyfriend and I decided to just go home and call it a night. I was hoping to meet a hot guy to take home and play with and get laid and well, that didn't work out.

I was driving home in my car down back roads and listening to my stereo really loudly, letting the music wash over me. I was just cruising along, going a little faster than I should, but not too fast - the music was pounding - I could feel the beat pulsating in my chest, my body and I wanted a man inside me so badly, I was dripping wet. It was dark and misty - water just hanging in the air. It was amazing....and I was pondering how cool it looked when all of a sudden I saw lights flashing in my rearview mirror and heard a quick blast of a siren.


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