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Daphne & Corythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:threesomes, 4555 words)

Author: Jim Armstrong Picture in profile
Added: Dec 23 2003Views / Reads: 4264 / 3644 [85%]Story vote: 8.50 (4 votes)
I thought Cory was gorgeous until she introduced me to her friend and suddenly, the masterpieces on the museum walls became dull in comparison to the two of them. I didn’t want to let two beauties like this get away and was just going to invite them to d

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I had only been home about an hour when I decided to get dressed and attend the opening of the Monet exhibition at the Met mainly because my wife was out of town and I didn't feel like being alone in an empty house all evening. Besides, I felt like having dinner out instead of warming something up and would most likely bump into some friends at the museum affair with whom I could have dinner.

I got there early and wandered around looking at the fabulous collection of paintings, while sipping a glass of champagne, when I spotted a ravishing, young beauty looking at me very intently. I didn't recognize her but she seemed to know me and walked over to where I was standing. "Hi", she said. "Didn't we meet some time ago at William Borge's reception? Your wife is a beautiful Japanese woman, isn't she?" I vaguely remembered meeting her and wondered how I could forget such a beauty. She was wearing a tight black cocktail dress that only came down to mid-thigh and showed off her womanly body to perfection. It was cut low and I couldn't help staring at her cleavage as I extended my hand in greeting. As she took my hand, I felt a very warm, comfortable sensation course through my body and I knew that I wanted to get to know her better.

We talked about the paintings for a while and then she asked where my wife was since she wanted to say hello to her also. When I told her that I was alone tonight since Tyko was away on a business trip, she asked if I would like to join her and her friend for dinner. I would ...

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