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DESPERATE for DANthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:male domination, 2182 words)

Author: shameless_hussy
Added: Dec 29 2003Views / Reads: 1509 / 1281 [85%]Story vote: 8.90 (10 votes)
I don't usually steal a friends boyfriend , in any case I only intended to borrow him

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I wouldn't want you to think that I make a habit of stealing my friend's guys, in any event I hadn't stolen Dan, just borrowed him for an evening. In any case he didn't exactly object

I should explain I share a flat with Sandra, I have done for about eight weeks now and we get on pretty well, it's good having someone to chat to who is in pretty well the same position as me, in other words single and horny most of the time. The difference is that she has a fella and I tend to drift from guy to guy which suits me most of the time. The last thing I want is a steady relationship where I have to feel that I have to explain to him what I am doing every minute of the day and "No dear I didn't realise that those men were looking up my skirt, I must wear a longer skirt in future, oh yes perhaps trousers would be better"

Dan stopped over with Sandra about three evenings a week and with her bedroom next to mine I became a listening voyeur, if there is a proper term for that no doubt someone will write and tell me. It got so that I could bring myself off at almost the same second as Sandra so in my own world I was in there with them, the thought itself was quite exciting.

In fact I got so relaxed that I thought nothing of running around the flat in not much more than my bra and thong, I hardly noticed Dan's eyes on me. Well to be honest I did but it didn't make me uncomfortable, quite the reverse. ...

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