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Dominated by Dougthis story is part of the FanClub (mm:domination, 4226 words) [10/18] show all parts

Author: Percxyz
Added: Jul 13 2000Views / Reads: 1486 / 1208 [81%]Part vote: 8.75 (4 votes)
After sharing his love slave Clay with his roommate Johnny and big l'il bro Mike, Doug stays locked deep over his infatuated classmate.

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Dominated by Doug Part 10

by Percxyz@aol.com

Chapter 10

I was thankful when Mike untied my wrists from the bed rail above my head. I sat up, rubbing at them and watching Mike as he moved to sit on the other bed. God, he was a hot young stud! Just watching the muscles rippling under his smooth skin was making me horny again. I found that hard to believe after the session I had just had with Mike, but he reminded me a lot of Doug and thoughts of Doug always made me horny. He leaned back against the wall, facing me. His cock still shone with my spit and was throbbing slightly with his heartbeat. I finally managed to tear my eyes away from his meat and look up at his face. Mike was staring directly at me. His face was still flushed from his exertions, which made him even sexier.

"So, faggot, I guess you enjoyed that." He waited for a reply.

"Yes, sir, that was wonderful," I replied.

"Like I said, you took it well, boy. Doug's good at breaking in fag boys like you. I'm just surprised he hasn't made you a locker room slut. You have all the makings for it. How many dudes has he shared ...

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