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Company Expensesthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:sex at work, 5253 words)

Author: Mag58 Picture in profile
Added: Jan 19 2004Views / Reads: 4496 / 3640 [81%]Story vote: 9.80 (5 votes)
Victoria meets the Company MD and helps him seal a contract.

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Several months ago I was asked to set up a new project for my company, in Europe. It meant being away from home four or five nights every week, staying in wonderful hotels. It was only meant to last for three months, and the money that I was offered was out of this world.

The first couple of weeks were fantastic; eating in superb restaurants, living like a lady of leisure, and then the novelty wore off. One hotel began to resemble another, and I was becoming bored and lonely.

Everything changed one night in Brussels. I had just finished eating dinner, when our European IT Director, Marcus, entered the bistro. "Victoria? Hi! I thought it was you," he greeted me, kissing me on both cheeks, then sat down, next to me. I'd been introduced to him, the previous week, and had been mesmerised by his pale blue eyes, and sportsman's stature. One of my assistants had told me that he had a ‘reputation' among the female staff, and may have fathered at least two of their babies. Without stopping for breath, he called the young waitress over and ordered more coffee. When she stood next to him, his hand rested on her bottom, as she leaned forward, to take his order. This wasn't unusual, as Marcus was a jolly, ‘feely-touchy' type of person; nothing seemed to upset him and he was incredibly self-confident, not surprising, for a 50-year-old multi-millionaire.

"How are you enjoying yourself? Is the hotel looking after you?" He laughed as he winked at me. I told him that it had been great, but with ...

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