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Encounter in an Adult Theaterthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 2028 words)

Author: Peter Handler
Added: Feb 02 2004Views / Reads: 3172 / 2555 [81%]Story vote: 7.67 (3 votes)
A couple picks up a man in an adult theater and has a threesome with him.

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By Peter Handler

When a friend told me about an adult theater where patrons were allowed to masturbate openly, it sounded too good to be true. I had managed to jack off in public places a few times when nobody was watching, but my most compelling fantasy was to jack off in a group setting. I had to find out if my friend was telling the truth.

The theater that had once been the venue for films of the caliber of "Gone With the Wind" was now a mere shadow of its former greatness. It stank of cigarettes, stale popcorn and spent cum. The multiplexes at the suburban malls had sucked away all of its business, and it had to resort to showing such gems as "When Harry Banged Sally" just to keep the doors open.

It took a few minutes for my eyes to adjust to the dark, then I got a pleasant shock. There were a hundred or so men in the theater, and, as far as I could tell, they all had their cocks in hand. I couldn't begin to describe what was happening on the screen because there were too many naked bodies entangled in too many ways. In any case, it doesn't have anything to do with my story.

I took a seat and fidgeted the way I always do when I don't feel quite ...

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