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Hellothis story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 2497 words)

Author: Thesandman Picture in profile
Added: Feb 07 2004Views / Reads: 920 / 703 [76%]Story vote: 9.50 (4 votes)
A phone call makes a bad day at work much better.

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By: Thesandman

It had been a very hard, difficult day at work. The traffic coming home was even worse than usual. When I arrived home, I also found a note waiting for me on the coffee table. I'd forgotten that Julie, my wife had a late afternoon appointment herself, showing a home that she had a potential buyer for. Which meant, either warmed up left overs, or TV dinners again.

"Shit!" I stated. It had not been a good day. When the phone began ringing, the last thing I wanted was to listen to some salesperson trying to talk me into another credit card, a dream vacation, or becoming a member of the book of the month club or something. I'd nearly decided to let it keep ringing without answering had it not been for the fact I was waiting for an important call myself regarding the contracts I'd been negotiating.


"Hey baby! Am glad I caught you. You just getting home?"

"Yeah, long day," I told her loosening my tie sitting down on the couch. "How's it going for you?" ...

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