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Part 2 Joy's Storythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:pregnant, 1208 words) [2/5] show all parts

Author: Weedy
Added: Feb 12 2004Views / Reads: 915 / 1 [0%]Part vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
Joy meets with Stan-- read to find out if he is going to honor her wishes

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Well as I told you in the first part --- I was impregnated by Stan, and I went to Denver to find out what he wanted to do about it. when we went to the park and had our talk he told me he was going back to Cal. and go to school, I asked him didn't he have any thoughts about our baby and he told me that he did but needed some time to think them out.   Then he told me he wanted to do the right thing by me and he would call me later after he had thought about it. A couple of days later he called me and asked if I would go to dinner with him as he wanted to talk to me,I said I would be happy to,  

Stan arrived that night and took me out to a nice restaurant and we had a drink and talked about the baby, he asked me if I knew that it was absolutely his and I explained to him that no one had fucked me since we made love the last time, that my Husband hadn't been home since then and so I felt absolutely that it was his. Stan then told me he would make me an honest woman then as he wasn't raised up to be thoughtless about these things, I was extactic when he said that and wanted to reach over and kiss him long and hard.  

When Stan took me home after dinner I asked him into my  room which was out on the screened in porch of an older womans home that I rented, I only had a double bed out there and a chest of drawers, Stan told me that he was living with a friends in-laws and that we could get an apartment together if I wanted to.I kissed him and told him that would be great and we could live there as man and wife till we got settled ...

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