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Her birthday presentthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:threesomes, 5023 words)

Author: Draivin
Added: Feb 21 2004Views / Reads: 14411 / 9096 [63%]Story vote: 8.80 (5 votes)
My girlfriend gets a surprise she won't forget.

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I write these stories to be read. I hope they bring you enjoyment, or better, that you would be able to picture this happening. Please vote and give comments, they are much appreciated. Thank you and enjoy reading!

There she came, walking to the house, my girlfriend, the one I lived with. A slight grin stood on my face. I had gone to work this morning very early, or at least, pretended too. I actually went to pick up a friend, and we got ourselves a cup of coffee till Rach went to her mothers house. It was her birthday, she wouldn't stay much longer at her mothers then two perhaps three hours. Steve was sitting opposite to me, we had discussed this whole thing through. His smile was sheepish as Rach entered. She arched her brow at seeing me home... and then at Steve on the couch. She said hi, immediately followed by a "What's this... why aren't you at work as your supposed too?". I just chuckled as I watched her. "Cause I've got the day off... and Steve and I will be whipping up a special birthday present for you." A look of surprise on her face "Your going to cook for me? Together?" I shook my head "No, we'll get you cooking hot."

She first settled down, getting herself a cup of tea, sliding onto the couch next to me. I know she has always admired Steve for his physical appearance. He could be a prick to her though, an arrogant guy. Though usually they got along quite well. They chatted for a while, about his new girlfriend, about work, about me. I had been watching Rach all the ...

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