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The Dinner Partythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 5519 words) [8/10] show all parts

Author: Chriss
Added: Mar 02 2004Views / Reads: 1807 / 1387 [77%]Part vote: 9.00 (3 votes)
Julie and her new lover David are guests at Lady Strathspay's most unusual dinner party. (Oral, Masturbation, M/F,F/F,M/M,M/MFF)

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[Eighth part of the Landlord. Julie has won the Bear Baiting contest and been set free from her duties as a maid by Lady Strathspay. She has retired to a guest bedroom with her new 'bear' boyfriend from the previous episode to recuperate from her exertions.]

Arriving at the guestroom my lover and I quickly undressed and fell into bed. We were both extremely tired following our exertions in the bear pit and we fell asleep almost immediately in each others arms.

We were awakened a few hours later by the sound of an antique grandfather clock in one corner of the bedroom striking seven.

"Good evening, Madam. Good evening, Sir"

Taken by surprise by the female voice I looked around and saw Diane, the maid who I had beaten in the final of the bear baiting contest kneeling beside the bed with her hands clasped behind her back.

"Lady Strathspay has assigned me to your service while you are a guest in her house. I am to carry out all the duties that you require of me and will submit to whatever discipline you feel is necessary".

"Coooooool" my lover growled, a large smile crossing his face. Fortunately for Diane he had managed to leave the bear pit unscathed by her cane so he had no immediate motivation for revenge. I felt his ...

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