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Everybody Comes to Hollywood, Part 3this story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 10045 words) [3/4] show all parts

Author: bluedragon Picture in profile
Added: Apr 02 2004Views / Reads: 1555 / 1399 [90%]Part vote: 10.00 (1 vote)
I have just about become a Hollywood hotshot, a level of respect and power I've always dreamed of. I'm dating a beautiful actress and have loads of money. What more could a guy want?

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EVERYBODY COMES TO HOLLYWOOD by bluedragon (xbluedragonx@hotmail.com)

PART 3: "Double Vision"


Today was the biggest day of my life. Today was the day MY movie was finally going to be on the big screen for the entire world to see.

It was a balmy late June evening, just the right temperature for Hollywood starlets to wear the skimpiest of revealing dresses. Our limo pulled up to the curb, and I was immediately dazzled by the bright strobing lights of hundreds of cameras flashing in my face as I stepped out. Schooling my face to wipe away any traces of nervousness, I turned to assist my date out of the car.

Andrea was nothing less than stunning, in a short dress than emphasized her athleticism and toned body. Her hair was stylish, but not overly garish, with just a touch of makeup to highlight her natural beauty. The male lead was already a dozen feet down the red carpet, conducting an interview while Andrea's publicist directed us to the Access Hollywood reporter.

Andrea held my hand, still as in love with me as she had been all those months ago when we'd finished shooting the movie. She was calm and ...

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