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A meeting after cyberthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:seduction, 2355 words)

Author: Anonymous Picture in profile
Added: Apr 14 2004Views / Reads: 685 / 473 [69%]Story vote: 8.50 (4 votes)
After months of cyber sex and video conferencing we finally meet offline for the first time....

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A first meeting...

After months of flirting and video conferencing online this was our first meeting. After what seemed and eternity of foreplay, we finally meet at the bar of a five star hotel downtown. The bar was only about half full with mostly business types having a drink after a long Friday. The long mahogany bar looks out of place in the modern Scandinavian designed hotel. The lights hanging from the ceiling are pointed directly down on the old wood, giving the bar its warm glowing ambiance.

I was at the bar waiting, sipping my Vodka Martini, when I felt a finger run down my back. I turned to look and there you were. You were wearing a grey suit with a black leather necklace/choker. Y

With a small smile formed at the corners of your mouth you look me dead in the eye, "Its good to finally meet you after all this time" you tell me.

My head swims with excitement as I take in your beauty. The smell of your perfume, the flow of your light blonde hair, the deep red of your lipstick and matching nails, the plunging neckline of your suit all make me fee like a kid in a candy store. I stand as we embrace in our first hug. "Wow," I say, "you look better in real life, I didn't think that was possible." ...

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