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Sex and the Single Coedthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:first time, 5563 words)

Author: Alaryn Nightshade
Added: Apr 17 2004Views / Reads: 15039 / 12635 [84%]Story vote: 9.10 (20 votes)
Sarah gets caught in her loft watching her roomate get hammered, when in walks her ex-boyfriend.. What will she do?

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Sitting at the computer in her dorm room, Sarah wondered what she had been thinking last night. Her eyes glazed over slightly as she paused in writing her diary notes into her word processor. Memories of the night before drifted past her lethargically, like the warm sunlight on a summer afternoon. She had been out with Brady. Brady was a nice young man from her home town back in Wisconsin. They had known each other for years. They had even dated back in high school, briefly. In fact, she had nearly yielded then to her passion, nearly allowing him to take her virginity on prom night, last summer. But she had remembered her vow not to lose it until her wedding night, a vow she intended to keep. But he had excited her then, and he did again last night. When they had met accidentally at the union grill. They chatted about old times, and about old feelings towards each other. When he had asked her to go see a movie for "old times sake," she had thought it a good idea. So they had gone seen a good slasher flick. Of course, she realized that the choice in films might have hinted at something more than reminiscing, but she had enjoyed herself anyway. She had always loved slasher flicks, especially with a handsome young man whose arm to squeeze silly. Not that she had dated much. Her older sister Tanya had scared that out of her early. Tanya was three years older than Sarah. At fifteen, Tanya had gotten pregnant. By sixteen, she had dropped out of high school and run away from home with Clyde, her beau. By seventeen, she was married. By nineteen, divorced, with three kids and no job, education, or future. She lived in Milwaukee now, on welfare and miserable. Sarah had vowed early on in her dating ...

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