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Innocence Lostthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:seduction, 5287 words) [1/3] show all parts

Author: jwdoney
Added: Apr 20 2004Views / Reads: 3091 / 2689 [87%]Part vote: 9.29 (7 votes)
Janie is pretty, young and innocent, and as people begin to realize it, they take full advantage of that fact. A multi-part series that will be both SEXY and worth reading, could also file under exhibitionism. Please share feedback.

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With luck, and support from my loyal readers, I have a feeling this series will be as popular (and scorching hot) as ENCOUNTERS. This will be the first time that not only a story, but an entire series has not relied on my tried and true "lose the clothes" formula. Will it work? I think so, but be sure to send me your feedback and future storyline ideas.

Now, at first, as I develop the character, and you readers take her stories in, some of the themes, storylines and ideas might seem similar to my past writings, other posted stories, or other things (movies, books, videos) but just because two things are similar, doesn't make them the same... right? Compare DIE HARD with UNDER SIEGE and you'll get my point. All names have been changed to protect those involved, and any people, places, products or events mentioned are done so without permission or endorsement.

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Janie is not your typical teenager by any means, in fact 3 months past her 19th birthday; it wasn't really just to call her a teenager. She was stuck in that dreadful limbo between teenager and woman, although ...

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