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An Accommodating Lady Chapter 8this story is part of the FanClub (fm:seduction, 3230 words) [6/6] show all parts

Author: gordon_a
Added: May 04 2004Views / Reads: 1081 / 787 [73%]Part vote: 9.67 (3 votes)
The final chapter in the Ruth-Zelda saga, with Zelda getting what she has long been waiting for.

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An Accommodating Lady Chapter 8

In which Zelda bursts forth into full womanhood

She brought the warm Highveld sun into the apartment with her, lighting up my day with her laughing eyes and heart-stopping smile. Zelda was back from Pretoria and the universe was a better place for that!

I was pulled into the mother-daughter huddle of cooing and giggling welcome-homes, trills of endearment and cries of "missed you, love you". You would have thought the fair Zelda had returned from perhaps a six-month Antarctic expedition, rather than a two-day visit to Pretoria, 45 minutes up the motorway.

I was as bad as they were because I had truly missed this beautiful, vivacious and extremely sexy young woman. I know I have been rabbiting on about fine mature wines and all that snobbish rubbish, but I had been craving a bit of firm-fleshed and eager inexperience, and here it was, ready to be uncorked and enjoyed like a young, tangy Riesling. All I had to do was figure out a way to clear the decks for action, and that would entail whisking her from under the eagle eye of mother Ruth, who had told me in no uncertain terms that she would not tolerate me taking liberties with her precious chick.

There had not really been much opportunity to address this problem, what ...

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