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Erin and Juanitathis story is part of the FanClub (bi:transgendered, 1271 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: JDMorrison
Added: May 21 2004Views / Reads: 1608 / 1177 [73%]Part vote: 8.17 (6 votes)
Continuation of "Enlightened By Erin". The storyteller keeps his promise to Erin and experinences the recieving end of anal sex for the first time from Erin and his/her friend Juanita

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All I could think about was Erin since our experience together. I had never felt so much desire as I had with Erin. I didn't know sex could be this way. To just give in to the pleasure and forget about straight or gay, male or female. To just feel the pleasure someone else has to give and to want more than anything to retunr the favor is more exciting than anything I knew possible. That is why, with incredible anticipation and some trepidation, I answered Erin's invite to join her at her place to follow through on my promise to let her "return the favor". I knew full and well what was going to happen that night. I was going to have sex with Erin again. I couldn't wait to taste those lips again, to caress every inch of that body, to feel those same lips on my cock, and to return the pleasure by sucking Erin's cock again. But it was the other end of the deal that made me nervous. Could I go through with it? Could I let Erin fuck my ass? I wanted to, but I had never even dared to give in to the urge to fantasize about what it would be like, much less let it happen.

I finally decided to quit thinking about and just let whatever happened happened. Lost in a daze, I made my way to Erin's apartment. She had already told me to let myself in, as she would have a surprise there for me when I got there. I couldn't imagine what was in store and couldn't believe my eyes when I opened the door. There on the couch was Erin, legs spread wide. Between those legs and sucking Erin off, was a gorgeous little creature. She maybe 5'3", with smooth dark skin, shoulder-length black hair, a very large set of clearly fake breasts, ...

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