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To Love a Womanthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 3103 words)

Author: Romantic Soul Picture in profile
Added: May 23 2004Views / Reads: 1099 / 806 [73%]Story vote: 8.17 (6 votes)
I hope this erotic story of a man's dominant side appeals to the readers... I would appreciate feedback. Contains Anal/Voyuerism

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As an author, I have always been interested in fantasies. These fantasies can crop up anywhere, anyplace, anytime. One of my stories emerged from a one-night stand with a man I barely knew, another from an erotic chat session with a man with a deep, dark dominating streak. But the idea for this story emerged from the recesses of my mind during an extremely uncomfortable bus journey to my college. Staring out of a window, I found my wicked imagination running wild, and realized my panties were wet with the wickedness of my erotic thoughts. Shifting carefully, I stretched my delicate, cloth-covered ass over a particularly lumpy area of the unkempt bus-seat, and as my crotch received a rhythmic rubbing from the rather lumpy fabric of the seat, I sat back and dreamed of an exotic location, and an even more exotic encounter.

That night, I slept very well, indeed.

* * *


It was a warm, humid month of May in India. I felt the hot summer all the way to the core, as I got down from the air-conditioned taxi and moved through the foyer into the large hotel. Nina followed me, minute lines of distrust flitting across her face. At thirty-four, she was the epitome of repressed sexuality, and on this trip to India, the land of ...

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