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Kevin finds a friendthis story is part of the FanClub (mm:straight/jock seduction, 2915 words)

Author: Jaywalkin
Added: May 25 2004Views / Reads: 2035 / 1696 [83%]Story vote: 9.12 (8 votes)
Kevin falls hard for new football player.

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Kevin found himself alone again. He had come home straight from school, Calvin Coolidge High in Burlington, Vermont. He was a good kid and good student. He was on the debate team and edited the school newspaper. His dusty blond hair and blue hazel eyes competed with his killer smile. He loved to pull innocent pranks and when he got his victim his entire face would light up. He wasn't considered a part of the "A" crowd, but he was popular enough to be the Vice-President of the student council. He took honors classes and had a 3.75 gpa.

The other side to Kev was his love of sports. He wasn't naturally gifted at any sports. At 5'10" and 140 lbs., he wasn't built for any sport. But what he lacked in skills he made up in his sheer desire to win. He played second base on the baseball team. Basketball found him in the guard position. He was short but had a killer 3 point shot. His greatest love was football. He played wide receiver. He was fast and could catch any ball passed any where near him. This came from constant practice.

The team was playing well this year. The chiefs were 3-0. Then a new kid switched schools and joined the team. His name was Marc. In many ways, Marc seemed the opposite of Kev. Marc kept to himself and was naturally talented. He walked on the field and could instantly run like the wind. He was an OK student with a gpa around 2.5. He could care less about any of the clubs. The girls quickly started to notice Marc. But like with everyone else, Marc stuck to himself, never ...

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