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Genie In My Bottle Ch. 01this story is part of the FanClub (fm:sci-fi/fantasy, 5155 words) [1/4] show all parts

Author: Jessy19
Added: May 27 2004Views / Reads: 3057 / 2653 [87%]Part vote: 9.33 (12 votes)
A girl meets a male genie.

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Marissa Bernal was just an ordinary girl. She was bright and beautiful in her own way. Being only 20 years old and on her own, she was glad that she didn't have to put with her family always ragging on her to make friends and be more social.

The first year of college had been hell since she had to go to a junior college in her hometown. Luckily because she was smart, she managed to get a transfer scholarship to a college 200 miles away from home. Finally freedom.

The only bad thing about being so far way was that she didn't have any friends. Being alone in a huge city could bring someone down. She also realized she was slacking off in school a bit because she'd stay up watching old movies late at night instead of doing her schoolwork.

Last night she'd stayed up watching Gone With The Wind and suddenly realized that she hadn't started on her essay on the famous poems of Robert Frost. She got up immediately that day around noon and rushed over to the library also realizing she'd missed her history class.

As she ran the almost fell and heard some students laugh as she tried to play the whole thing off. Her backpack dangled from her shoulder and she kept running trying to get a hold of the best Robert Frost books before her other classmates would.


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