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The Phone Callthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:sex with toys, 1641 words)

Author: Sexy Jezebel
Added: Jun 11 2004Views / Reads: 4909 / 3110 [63%]Story vote: 9.17 (12 votes)
Her phone rings in the middle of the night, now what she was expecting, but the end result was worth it.

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The phone rang jarring her from a deep sleep. She heard the voice, the one that raised goose bumps on her skin. The one that always makes her hot. He knew what he was doing, waking her from a deep sleep. He knew how her body would react to the words he was telling her. He knew what she would do, anything he told her to. The words he was saying was making her breathe catch in her throat. She rolled over and looked at the clock. She'd been asleep for a couple of hours and now knew that it would be awhile before she was able to get back to sleep.

His words were making her start to squirm on her bed. He kept telling her what he'd like to do. His voice so deep and resonant in the phone, he knew where her hands were, trying so valiantly not to wander down her body. He kept whispering, "Touch yourself", "I know you want to". "You know you want to", "let me hear you". She was biting her lip, to keep some sort of control but it was no use. She lets her hands cup her breasts just as he tells her that he wants to take it slowly into his mouth, working the nipple hard into a tight little bud, hearing her moan as his mouth does it's magic.

He hears her breathing changing ever so slightly, knowing that she's imagining his mouth on her as her fingers tease her nipples, sucking it into his mouth. He tells her, "Put me on speaker phone"; "I want you to be able to use both hands tonight". "I want you to take the pleasure to a new level tonight and I want to hear you as you do." She rises up on her elbow to put the phone back in its cradle and pushes ...

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