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Fucking Louisethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 3293 words)

Author: M_Sirk Picture in profile
Added: Jun 18 2004Views / Reads: 2670 / 1819 [68%]Story vote: 8.50 (6 votes)
Exploring sex and perversion with my first girlfriend.

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(The following is the true story of my relationship with Louise, who was both my first girlfriend and the first girl I ever fucked.)

* * * * *

Louise was a beautiful girl with long, straight brown hair and a lovely figure, who did the same course as me at university. I had been admiring her from afar for about a year, trying to pick up the courage to ask her out, and I was extremely jealous when I heard she was sleeping with one of our lecturers. Then one night we were at a party together and somehow we started kissing. We were standing in the hallway, tongues exploring each other's mouths, when I slipped one hand under the sweater she was wearing and fondled a girl's breast for the first time.

Leaving the party we went to her car, and she drove us to a spot a few streets from my house. In the back seat, we undressed and I ran my hands eagerly over her naked body. I sucked on her shapely tits and, moving down, began to lick her pussy. I'd really had no idea what a cunt would taste like, and was pleasantly surprised. The next morning, I found I could still smell Louise's cunt on my hands, and delayed washing them as long as possible so I could continue to savour it.

A few weeks later Louise and I went out to a movie or something, and then went back to my house. We sat at the dining room table chatting ...

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