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One saturday afternoon at workthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 3912 words)

Author: Malcy Picture in profile
Added: Jun 19 2004Views / Reads: 11859 / 6157 [52%]Story vote: 6.50 (2 votes)
I surprise my lover at work one day. Four guys, one sated woman, and a nice added surprise at the end....

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On one Saturday afternoon, I decide to take you to my work. The idea, I tell you, was just to pick a few things up, and then we could go for a walk or run.

After grabbing a few items that I was after, I take you out the front door, and we start to jog towards the local gardens, and then have a wee run around the block. We fool about a bit while running; after all, this is our favourite spot for outdoor sex. Your flash me your arse from time to time, and also your tits. And I too flash you my cock. After the sight of your bits and pieces being flashed about, I have a bit of a semi. It is great that the mood is being set for what I have in store for you...

We return to work, and I bring you into our shower room here, to soap your body, to get you clean by touching every inch of your body. My cock erect and touching your leg as we continue to soap and clean. Not one of us able to touch each others sex out right, just the smooth touch. Mouths locking, teasing, nibbling on necks, lips, sucking on tongues. Heat is rising from the shower and from us.

I turn the shower off, and lay you out on one of the benches and then kissing you, blind folding you. The room is heated, and so steamy that it's like a sauna. You give a good-natured growl, as you figure out that I probably had this planned from the start.


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