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James and Oliviathis story is part of the FanClub (fm:first time, 2729 words)

Author: Dr Love
Added: Jul 05 2004Views / Reads: 4601 / 3723 [81%]Story vote: 8.56 (9 votes)
A girl wants to give her best friend his first sexual encounter.

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James and Olivia (first time) by Dr. Love (4100 words, 114 lines)

The siren wailed for the end of the class and James sighed. It was the end of the last day of his Grade 12 mid-year exams and just another day away from a well-deserved three-week holiday just as he had just turned 18 years old. "Uh hmmm!" someone grunted next to him, startling him. It was Olivia, his cute best buddy and classmate, already 18 years old two months before him. They had known each other since they were 10 years old. "So, we finally done with the term! Man, what are we gonna do for a week stuck in the hostels till the buses are repaired to take us home for the rest of the vacation?" She was referring to the fact that they were usually bussed in for the week from the town were they both lived, about a day's drive from the school district. "Oh, I haven't got any idea. Just see what comes up." James grinned mischeviously as he felt his dick getting hard. He was thinking of Olivia sitting on his lap during the lunch-break and how his manhood had throbbed against her tight butt as she wiggled on his crotch, titilating him.

"You are a naughty boy and I'm going to spank you before your bath tonight." She grinned back at him cheekily, blushing a little at the thought of their first chance to be together that night. Most of their classmates lived nearby and could just go home, while they would have to spend time with just a handful of other kids in the school hostels. She couldn't wait to be alone with James. She wanted so badly to stroke his cock with her little hands and feel his hard rod in all its glory. ...

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