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Reggithis story is part of the FanClub (ff:one-on-one, 2950 words) [3/4] show all parts

Author: tony69 Picture in profile
Added: Jul 17 2004Views / Reads: 1209 / 773 [64%]Part vote: 8.00 (1 vote)
Reggi is Adrian's little sister as well as the narrator in this, the out come of "The Problem".

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PhonE-Mail Center

Compose From: Reg4u@PhonE-Mail.com To: Lin1@PhonE-Mail.com CC: ____________________ BCC: ___________________ Subject: We've got trouble Send Save Draft Spell Check Cancel

Hey baby;

I know I shouldn't be telling you this through an e-mail but its 3:15 a.m. and you need to rest for your academy exam tomorrow. Good luck by the way. You won't believe what happened tonight. When I got home from your place, I walked in on a fight. I thought we were being robbed the way everyone was screaming but then I heard my mom cursing. Adrian was telling her to calm down and I heard her tell him to shut the fuck up and to get out of her house. I went into the living room to see what all the commotion was about. Mom came home early and from what I could tell, she must have walked in on Adrian and Samantha fucking. Mom was pointing in Adrian's face and pushing his bare chest. I knew they'd been flirting but I never thought they would take it any further than that. Samantha was only wearing panties and Adrian made no attempt to cover up. He was completely nude and arguing with Cat while my mom kept pushing him. Cat and mom were there to admit to Sam that they were seeing each other, like we all didn't already know that. They were all so wrapped up in their fighting that I remained unnoticed. Mom said she didn't care if Sam wanted a dick, she just kept saying, why my son's ...

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