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Spare bedroom for rentthis story is part of the FanClub (ff:older women, 4834 words)

Author: Dude143 Picture in profile
Added: Aug 22 2004Views / Reads: 11505 / 9643 [84%]Story vote: 9.44 (9 votes)
Trying to make ends meet after a divorice can be rough. Having somone around to pick up some of the slack was sure going to help. Little did i know how much me and my rentee had in common.

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Being a single woman in your mid 40's isn't easy. Being a divorcee in your mid 40's is even harder. It makes you really look at your life and take stock of your accomplishments, as well as makes you get really good at explaining why you aren't married. Well, I once was that happy bride that you see pictures of in magazines with the successful husband, the dog in the yard, and a bright shiny car in the driveway. No kids, but that was okay. What happened to that life? My husband ran off with his male secretary, the dog ran away, never to return, and the car? I've still got the car and it runs great to this day.

What I'm left with now, years after a divorce settlement is a house that made me stretch my budget, just to keep it from getting repossessed. Though I'm grateful I had the foresight to get a degree, there isn't much of a demand in underwater archeology these days. Instead of doing what I spent my parents hard-earned cash studying, I work as a manager in a cannery. It pays the bills, and keeps the car running, but not much else after the house payment. It wasn't long before I decided that it was time to turn the spare bedroom into a ‘room for rent'.

After some very interesting experiences dealing with rather bizarre would-be renters, from a guy who compulsively rhymed everything he said, to a martial arts instructor who wanted to turn the bedroom into a sparring room. Then there was the aspiring professional yodeler, and God help me, I would have killed him if I had to live with him. I was just about to give up on the rent thing when my ad was answered by an, ...

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