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Toothachethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:other, 1683 words)

Author: Gulman Picture in profile
Added: Sep 26 2004Views / Reads: 7746 / 6679 [86%]Story vote: 7.20 (5 votes)
A wife so well treated by a dental surgeon that the husband turns On ,and insists wife to go further.

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(Thanks to an anonymous friend for fixing the errors)

My wife has been complaining of a toothache for the last several days and she really needed the opinion of a dentist. She wanted me to take her to the clinic but The busy work schedule at the office meant that I would not get her there before the clinic had closed . The next day she was crying out in pain, and I couldn't think of anything except getting her to the clinic. The doctor was a nice guy, and having thoroughly examined the tooth, he said it was nothing serious and she would be alright. He advised her to use the prescribed medicine he had given her a prescription for, and made another appointment for her to come back in a week to see if the medication had helped. After a couple of days she had complete relief of the pain, yet at the end of week she asked me to accompany her to see the doctor again. When we arrived there, the doctor was finished with the last patient, and was free to talk to her. He asked about the pain, and was pleased when my wife told him that it had subsided. My wife introduced me as her husband, for which he gave her compliments, telling us that she was very brave and lovely. He asked my wife to sit down in the exam chair . He prepared his instruments and started examining her. I watched him examine her. He relaxed the chair until my wife was lying back in it. I ...

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