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A Walk in the Woodsthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:male domination, 1936 words)

Author: Spookie
Added: Oct 11 2004Views / Reads: 981 / 843 [86%]Story vote: 7.20 (5 votes)
Tonight was to be their anniversary, two years together, and though some of it had been stormy they were an overall happy couple. She couldnt imagine what Steven had waiting for her tonight, he wouldnt tell her anything...

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A Walk in the Woods

Felice sat alone in the kitchen waiting for Steven to get back from the store. Tonight was to be their anniversary, two years together, and though some of it had been stormy they were an overall happy couple. She couldnt imagine what Steven had waiting for her tonight, he wouldnt tell her anything, only that it was going to be like nothing she had ever experienced before. The anticipation had built up a knot in the pit of her stomach and though she tried, her patience was wearing thin, she wanted to know now!

She had rather hoped for a romantic evening at home, candles, dinner, making love all over the apartment. At the thought of the love making her pussy lips twitched slightly, she loved to have Steven inside of her, to feel him filling her insides with his hot swollen cock. Trying to get the idea out of her head she focused on other things, her pussy was already dripping wet from just that, it looked as if she would have to change panties...again, sometimes it was a curse to have such a free flowing cunt.

At that moment the door opened and in walked Steven, as he saw her sitting there waiting a smile bloomed on his ruggedly handsome face. "Ready for your evening of adventure my darling?" he asked, a slight twinkle in his eyes, she knew that look, and it meant some sort of mischief. ...

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