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Erotica Nation 3this story is part of the FanClub (fm:male domination, 7925 words) [3/5] show all parts

Author: Litterateur
Added: Oct 18 2004Views / Reads: 1173 / 1032 [88%]Part vote: 9.67 (9 votes)
The third Erotica Nation meeting takes place on Friday night after a long week of busy separation for Becca and her Masters--at least they got to enjoy a trip to the movies before the week started...

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Erotica Nation 3

© Litterateur 2004

We signed the contract Saturday morning at Seth and Ram's house. Crystal was there, in support of me she'd said. The four of us were sitting around the kitchen table, Seth and Ram flanked me and Crystal sat across from me. Seth read the contract aloud, highlighting parts, and allowing me to ask questions. At times I blushed, because the content felt so personal.

He said that my Masters were allowed the punishment me, humiliate me, use me and display me as they saw fit. I saw to submit to their wants. When I was told to, I would go without panties for as long as they wanted; I was to also wear any belts or devices they required of me in private as well as in public. We decided my safe word would be Sapphire. Ram explained the meaning and importance of my safe word and I listened, already partially familiar with the ritual. The most important clause in the contract for me came towards the end, it said that my personal safety would never be jeopardized, that, in regards to other individuals, I would not be forced to "service" anyone except my masters. At first the passage left me confused, so I asked Ram about it.

He ran his fingers through my hair, "It means that we will not share you ...

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