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Business Trip Bonusthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:threesomes, 2029 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: Anonymous
Added: Nov 09 2004Views / Reads: 6531 / 5843 [89%]Part vote: 9.15 (13 votes)
I go to a strange city for a business trip and get more than I bargained for when staying with a college friend. (m/f/f)

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Recently, I had to fly to Chicago for a business meeting. I had never been there before, but fortunately one of my college friends, Jill, had moved there for work. When I called her to let her know that I would be in town for a meeting Jill was excited. We hadn't seen each other in a long time and she suggested that I stay at her apartment. Since my meeting was on Friday afternoon she suggested that I go ahead and stay for the weekend and see the sights. It sounded like a good idea to me.

On Friday I flew in and took a cab to my meeting. It just happened that the company I was meeting with was located in the same district as Jill's office so I called her after the meeting and she came to pick me up. When I got in the car there were a couple of other people in the car and Jill introduced me to Trent and Cathy who worked with her. Jill explained that we were all going out to a pub that Jill knew and that we were going to get plastered.

I was a little nervous at this point because I remembered that back in college Jill could drink just about anyone under the table. We were great drinking buddies and spent many nights on the town downing shots and enjoying each other's company. Although we had admitted a mutual attraction, we had never gotten together. At first it was because she had a boyfriend and then I had a girlfriend and then we were best friends and didn't want to mess that up.

I got into the car with Jill and her work friends with only the ...

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