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Be Careful What You Wish Forthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:bondage, 1514 words) [3/3] show all parts

Author: Wanton Craver
Added: Nov 12 2004Views / Reads: 1175 / 1001 [85%]Part vote: 8.44 (9 votes)
john plans a second night for karen and then follows through on it. he gets more rough with her and eludes to future activities.

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A few days later John got a call on his cell. It was Marty wanting to know how the night had gone with Karen. John told him what had happened from start to finish and Marty suggested he bring it up a few notches the next time to see how Karen would react to it. Marty made sure to give John a few more ideas and promised to meet up with John to plan John and Karen's next evening further.

The next few weeks were back to normal for John and Karen. They went about their business and didn't speak much about the wild night they had had. John met up with Marty a few times and they had come up with another plan for an evening. John went shopping again and bought more supplies.

When they day had come for John to play out his plan he once again gave Karen a gift bag and told her that she knew when she could open it. After John had left Karen rushed up to the bedroom. She was so excited to find out what was in the bag and couldn't help but remember the last time John had given her a gift bag. Inside the bag was an outfit much like the last one John had given her. This time the bra was sheer, the kind that you can she nipples through, and he hadn't included any panties with the gift. John had wanted to see how Karen would react and how far she would go. Suddenly nervous Karen put on the clothes and headed to work.

The whole day Karen was at work she was more than vaguely aware of her ...

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