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School's inthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 2945 words)

Author: goodlittlegirl Picture in profile
Added: Nov 24 2004Views / Reads: 4037 / 2488 [62%]Story vote: 9.27 (11 votes)
A boring Saturday afternoon for a school teacher and his girlfriend turns into something far from boring.

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School's in!

I'm bored. It's Saturday afternoon, and you are marking school papers. We were going to visit some friends this afternoon, but at the last minute, you decided that this couldn't wait. I'm a bit disappointed, but you have promised to make it up to me, and thats ok. But I'm still bored, my school teacher lover.

The housework is done. I've had a shower, even though I didn't really need one, I had one just for something to do. Crap on TV. read a book. Yeah. I will.

That lasted 10 minutes. So bloody bored! I wander into our walk in robe, just to see what I've got that I can give to the The Salvation Army who are collecting old clothes in our area. Rummage rummage. No, I can't let that go. This skirt? Still fits. No, I never wear it. It can go. This track suit can go too.

Hang on what's that at the back? Rummage rummage. I stare in amazement. It's my old year 12 school tunic. I had completely forgotten that I'd kept it, but there it is hanging neatly on a clothes hanger.

I can't believe it. I remember now. I kept it to see if it still fitted me in a few years time, and if it did, then I hadn't put on any weight. Oh this is such a cool find! ...

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