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Renter's Insurance Vthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:older women/men, 1897 words) [5/6] show all parts

Author: Conan
Added: Nov 27 2004Views / Reads: 2849 / 1943 [68%]Part vote: 8.75 (4 votes)
Our tenant's situation begins to improve

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I entered the apartment, and as promised, I heard the shower running. I Stepped into the bathroom and was shrouded by steam. Forget the mirror and the shower door being steamed up, I could barely see the had in front of my face. I stripped off my clothes and moved toward the shower. It was amazing how comfortable I had become with this business. I knew what waited behind the door for me was neither young or attractive, but I had had some truly amazing experiences since Bonnie had gotten her claws into me.

The thing that I found the most amazing was the fact that I was actually starting to look forward to these encounters. They were coming about twice a week now, and the scenarios were almost always the same, sneak in under cover of darkness, slip into a bed, and get ridden like a wild stallion. The refreshing part about it was that they were all so appreciative of the sex, that they didn't care if I just shot my load, got dressed and left. This was unheard of with the co-eds I had been accustomed to. There was always the "I hope this doesn't get in the way of our friendship" talk before and the mandatory "cuddle" time afterwards. After a few short weeks, I had come to realize that I actually liked fucking these older women more. There was no bullshit, no ties, and no commitment. It wasn't like I was parading some old bag down the street saying "Look what I've been nailing." They wanted anonymity, and I was glad to oblige. They wanted to live out some fantasies that they thought they would never have a chance to, and I truthfully found many of them exciting. In the past 2 weeks, I had been ...

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