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Carolines Story Part 4this story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 3592 words) [4/6] show all parts

Author: LadyGrey Picture in profile
Added: Dec 18 2004Views / Reads: 3393 / 2856 [84%]Part vote: 9.21 (14 votes)
Caroline offers her body to pay for her husbands mistakes.

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It's quite strange when things seem to be going so well there is always something that comes along to spoil it. This time it was Alex.

I don't know really who was at fault, maybe it was me, I had been spending a lot of time with JD. He always wanted me to do things for him, not just the sex. He had me pose for the company calendar. Wearing little more than a smile. Then there was the new plant promotion, I was there displaying my shapely lines when the new heavy construction machines were displayed to the industry.

On the other hand Alex had started gambling, not just the odd flutter loosing really big money, OK so we could afford it, but it seemed to have taken over his life. It was due to this that he missed out on a big contract, when he had been detained at a poker game instead of attending a multi-million pound contract meeting.

It was a stupid mistake that Alex had made and it had cost the company a lot of money, we could have lost everything, the house, the car, the lot. If it had not of been for my close and intimate relationship with J.D things could have been a lot worse. When J.D came over to see us that evening and he was not in a good mood.

"I have done everything I can to try and hush things up" he told me "but the board have insisted on sending in another senior executive to look at the mess." ...

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