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Bikini Shopthis story is part of the FanClub (ff:first time, 2920 words)

Author: jwdoney
Added: Dec 27 2004Views / Reads: 8352 / 7239 [87%]Story vote: 8.94 (16 votes)
Her first time in a bikini shop leads to a first time with another woman and then a sexy surprise ending. My first girl/girl story, but more with Lina could be written if you want, send me feedback and thoughts.

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This scenario actually occurred to someone I know, and except for some details added to lengthen the story, it is retold exactly as it happened. All names have been changed at the request of those involved, and any people, places, products or events mentioned are done so without permission or endorsement. Also, no bikinis were harmed in the writing of this story.

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This story is told from a female perspective, and as explained above, really occurred to a friend of mine. Make sure you understand before you send feedback, the writer is male and had nothing to do with the events depicted, although I really do wish I could have been there! Enjoy the story.

Over the years I have gotten my bikinis in any number of ways from shopping online to just walking into a store and choosing one off the rack. Wal-Mart, JC Penny's, Target and other chains have an average at best selection, and sometimes the specialty stores will have more to choose from but are pricier. This entire situation developed simply by visiting a bikini shop I found at a certain beach I think we have all ...

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