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Coming of Agethis story is part of the FanClub (mm:seduction, 3299 words)

Author: Dmetri Xavier
Added: Aug 13 2000Views / Reads: 1419 / 1195 [84%]Story vote: 6.50 (4 votes)
For several years, Allan played mentor/father-figure to Jesus, the young boy that lived down stairs. Jesus isn't a little boy anymore, and he knows what he wants. That being Allan...

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Disclaimer: the following story is fiction, but contains graphic representation of male/male emotional and sexual relationships. If you are offended by such material, I ask you why are you here? Also, if you are under that age that is legal in your community to view adult-oriented material, especially that of the homosexual genre, then you shouldn't be here. But then again, if you are, whose going to stop you right? All concerned: proceed with caution. Remember, this is fantasy. Safe sex is NECESSARY in the real world.

Questions or comments are greatly appreciated and can be directed to dmetrixavier@eroticstories.com, flames of course will be ignored.

Coming of Age By: Dmetri Xavier

The day was exceptionally warm, with temperatures rising to 109 degrees. Allan sat in his boxer shorts in the living room of his Valley apartment. The small wall-unit air conditioner wasn't doing any good. Hecouldn't decide which was worse, the heat of the outside or the heat indoors. It was just too damned hot to do anything, much less cook, and he decided just to order pizza, since he was hungry and it was almost 6:30p.m. He ordered the Veggie-Supreme from one of the local shops, and was lazily awaiting its arrival when his doorbell rang.

"It has to be the pizza," he thought to himself. He was in no positionto answer the door, so he shouted, "Just a minute!" and ran and ...

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