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Cock Talesthis story is part of the FanClub (bi:exhibitionism, 5878 words)

Author: Masturbator Picture in profile
Added: Jan 31 2005Views / Reads: 5453 / 4055 [74%]Story vote: 7.67 (3 votes)
The story of my penis - and a few others - and how I went from a shy kid to a shameless exhibitionist.

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My penis, when fully erect, is just over five inches long. This is, I know, on the small side, with average length usually said to be six inches, Then again, I wonder about such statistics. Men, if asked about the size of their members for some sexological survey will surely tend to exaggerate, and while I see lots of huge cocks in porn, I certainly see a lot that don't look any bigger than mine. It's also true that, when fucking girls, I have occasionally gone too deep into their vaginas, and hurt them. So it seems to that my dick is big enough for the job. I'm quite happy with the size of it, anyway.

I'm also happy that I'm circumcised. I simply don't like the look of uncircumcised pricks. When I was at school, most of the kids were circumcised like me. The exceptions were some Lebanese boys. When I saw their uncircumcised dicks in the toilets I was quite shocked. At the time, I didn't actually know that I had been circumcised, of course. I just thought that Lebanese dicks were different.

In its natural state, my balls and the base of my penis are covered with black hair, but these days I mostly keep it shaved. Dicks look much better shaved, I think, and my wife certainly agrees. I also always make sure I shave before making one of my frequent trips to my favourite nude beach. If people want to see my penis, I want to be sure they get as good a view of it as possible.

As you can tell from that, I'm now quite an exhibitionist. I was very ...

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