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At the Mercy of the Wandsthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:bondage, 2522 words)

Author: iliketoplease
Added: Feb 10 2005Views / Reads: 1738 / 1395 [80%]Story vote: 9.14 (7 votes)
My lover takes me to a kink club for the first time, and ties me so that I'm at the mercy of his toy wands and whims. . .

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Alex called as I was getting ready to go over to his house to hang out for the evening. He asked if I wanted to go to a party at the local kink club that night (in about half an hour!). I gulped and stammered and said yes. I quickly changed from my jeans into a very short skirt, tight top, and high heels, and I put on a little make-up. By the time I got to Alex's the butterflies were taking over my stomach. I was in the mood to play, but this group would be all strangers, and I was always nervous around strangers.

We drove to a not very nice part of town, collected toy bags from the trunk, walked past a bouncer, and entered a run down old building. As we picked our way over the broken tiles in the lobby and past some ancient torn furniture, Alex promised it would get nicer. After some turns and twists, the dismal hallway led to a much nicer room, set up with sofas and snacks. Alex introduced me to a few people but he didn't know many. A few of the strangers gave me the once-over. My stranger radar went on high alert.

Alex took me on a tour of the dungeon. No one was playing yet. We puzzled over how to use some of the unfamiliar equipment. We commented on the odd shape of one of the padded tables, and then noticed that it was the top of a cage. Alex suggested I could go in there, and I reminded him what I'd said before about cages: "Don't even think about putting me in a cage." We wandered back to the social area and eventually back to the dungeon. Another couple was just starting to ...

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