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The Bachelorette Partythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:masturbation, 2397 words)

Author: Larry and Laura
Added: Aug 15 2000Views / Reads: 5497 / 4921 [90%]Story vote: 9.50 (4 votes)
A large group of women at a bachelorette party are entertained by male strippers who masturbate for them. It ends in a bizarre orgy.

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By Larry and Laura

My husband Larry is far ahead of me in writing stories, so I will try to narrow his lead with this one about something that happened to me many years ago.

I should have said no when my best friend Janice asked me to arrange a bachelorette party for her. I didn't know anything about arranging parties. The few bachelorette parties that I had attended had been boring affairs that wasted the time of everyone involved. I decided that if I was going to do it, I would do it right. "People will be talking about my party for years," I thought.

I had reached the age of twenty-one just a few months before and was having the time of my life. My straight-laced parents disapproved of my wild behavior, but I couldn't help myself. When Fridays arrived, this girl went crazy! I knew the names of every bartender in town, and they all knew that Coors was my favorite beverage. When I plopped down on a barstool, a frosty bottle of the brew always magically appeared in front of me.

I had made friends with Chester, the owner-bartender of The Last Chance Saloon, one of the most popular joints in town. I can still hear the ...

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