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Summer Vacationthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:first time, 1995 words)

Author: Generic Guy
Added: Mar 03 2005Views / Reads: 2289 / 1891 [83%]Story vote: 7.00 (2 votes)
Kim has a nice summer vacation with her friends and makes a new one

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It's the summer of 2004 Kim has just graduated from High School and is staying at her family's summer home for the weekend with a few of her friends.

In the morning the girls are on the backyard deck, Stephanie, Erin, and Jackie are sunbathing and Kim is in the pool. Erin looks up and sees Joe, Joe is 19, and lives next door, he is a well-built guy, with a light tan, considering living in Florida. He is cleaning his pool and doing yard work.

Erin says in a low tone, "Hey, check out Kimmy's neighbor"

Sheepishly all the girls turn their heads and see Joe, light bouncing off his muscles. They all turn and give him a sign of approval.

"Wonder how old he is" Stephanie asks.

"Yeah Kim, do tell" says Jackie

"I don't know him, he must just moved in" she replied.

As Kim looks back at him they make eye contact, she turns red, and looks away with a small smile on her face.

Jackie seeing this says "Ooo Kim, he's looking at ya, maybe you should ...

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