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a slut visits part 6this story is part of the FanClub (fm:male domination, 2553 words) [5/8] show all parts

Author: dirty geezer
Added: Mar 06 2005Views / Reads: 1132 / 965 [85%]Part vote: 8.33 (6 votes)
part 6 of my ongoing series about me (the master), and my dirty slut. We meet again in a hotel, and explore another of my slut’s fantasies in a hotel room. (m/f oral/anal)

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Please don't read if you are only into romantic, or quite straight fantasies. If you like things a bit darker, dirtier, and stories about masters who use their fuck toy sluts how they BOTH wish - read on. NOTE: this is a consensual story, between two very willing adults - the theme is ROLE PLAY.


It had been some months since I had seen my slut again, my ‘normal' life with my wife continued, work, friends, and relaxing all taking my time. As the time passed, my body yearned for the excitement and power it felt when with my cum slut, and I knew I needed to unleash that pent up sexual energy soon, as I felt fit to burst.

We had enjoyed several sessions online, using the messenger software to continue to swap fantasies, and it allowed me to continue to dominate her over the distance that separated us. It wasn't the same though, and we both described in detail how we needed to touch, taste, and experience each others flesh once more.

Luckily work intervened, sending me away on a conference in the same city that my dear slut lived in. As it was over two days, they were paying for a hotel room, and I jumped at the change. While it was a rush, nothing would stop us meeting again, and using every minute to push out sexual limits once more. I had another plan, and I knew it ...

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