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Stepmomthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:first time, 3599 words) [1/4] show all parts

Author: Texyan
Added: Mar 09 2005Views / Reads: 12398 / 11414 [92%]Part vote: 9.10 (29 votes)
Jeb, a strapping 18 yr. old, is hoping two weeks alone with his hot stepmom is not just a fantasy. Is she wishing the same? (your feedback on writing style and content is appreciated)

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Jeb mind was racing as he drove his car a little faster than usual, hurrying to get home. His erection, that did not cease all day, seemed to be bigger. He smiled an embarrassing smile to himself as he reflected on the school day. Try as he might, he was totally incapable of suppressing his erection. It was so huge that even carrying his books in front did little to allay the sideway glances and giggles from gaggles of coeds as he navigated the crowded hallways between classes. At times, just for shock value, he carried his books by his side and was bemused at the slackjaw stares as the girls watch his swollen crotch come and go. But, now the object of the stimulation lay a few blocks away. Suddenly, his mind shifted. What if I'm wrong about Sally? What if she's not even home? Were those signals she was sending for the past year just my imagination?

As he turned into the drive and raced back to the garage, his heart sank. Sally was not there. Her car was always parked in the same spot when she was home. Now the space was empty. He chastised himself for being the silly kid. What was I thinking? Did I really believe she wanted to jump my bones? Grow up and get a life. Dejectedly, he unlocked the back door and walked into the house. It was already getting dark. He wondered where Sally was.

His dad left that very morning for a two week trip. At breakfast his ...

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