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A Bizarre Christmas Caroling Accidentthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 1547 words)

Author: Placido
Added: Mar 28 2005Views / Reads: 1515 / 1345 [89%]Story vote: 8.83 (6 votes)
Occasionally, bad things do happen to good people. But sometimes, the good things that happen afterwards make up for them!

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I've been asked before if my stories are based on real-life events. The previous ones weren't. Amazingly, this one is. Well, it's BASED on real-life events, anyway... Enjoy, and let me hear from you with feedback.


It was semester break of my sophomore year in college, and I'd come home for the holidays. Of course, being home meant I was away from my friends and drinking buddies, so there wasn't a whole lot to do, other than the requisite Christmas shopping. So, I guess out of boredom more than anything else, I went along with the choir at my parents' church on their annual caroling trip. They would go visit church members who didn't get out all that easily, share the Christmas spirit, bring along a basket of fruit and all that. It was a sweet idea, in its own way.

So, the group got together at 7:00 that night, everybody all bundled up in their winter gear. There were about 15 of us, ranging in age from 14 to adult. There were a couple people about my age, a guy I knew from high school named Greg and a girl he called Debbie, so it wasn't so bad; as we went from house to house, we struck up a conversation about college life. I figured they were dating each other, since they seemed to know a lot of the same stories. But, to make sure, when Greg and I were hanging back from everyone else, I asked him what their deal was. "No, dumbass. Debbie's my sister." Oh. Well, that ...

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