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"Sign" of things to cum!this story is part of the FanClub (mm:oral sex, 2971 words)

Author: splat Picture in profile
Added: May 13 2005Views / Reads: 2931 / 2326 [79%]Story vote: 8.50 (4 votes)
A prank awakens neglected desires in a young traveling salesman.

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Tired from the trip up,I decided to play it safe this time.I got a room at the same hotel that hosted our biannual incentive meeting (A drunken get together where the suits hand out our profit sharing bonuses.)

I don't particularly enjoy lounges,or parties for that matter,but this is one I wasn't about to miss.The bonus marks the beginning of my three week vacation.

It's one of the few chances I get to shake the hand that signs my paycheck.To put a face to that sweet woman's voice that works in dispatching.Plus after five years,I have made some really great friends and thought it will be nice to sit down and get shit-faced with them once again.

Tipsy from toasting boredom a few too many times,I strained my eyes trying to plot my course across the motel parking lot.

I hate company parties!I felt shamed to admit I was a guest after the mess we made of the place.My coworkers outbelligerenced themselves tonight.The whole fiasco came to an end soon after the,"Let's see who can drink the most shots!" competition began.Taxi cabs couldn't arrive fast enough to carry the dead and wounded home.

I managed to survive by making my escape through the back door.I staggered up the steps and paused by the chatty ice machine.After ...

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