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Nice Guys Come at the Endthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:first time, 2746 words)

Author: Otzchiim
Added: May 20 2005Views / Reads: 6733 / 5595 [83%]Story vote: 8.60 (5 votes)
She needed comfort, and for good reason, but he did not expect the sort she wanted.

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Nice Guys Come at the End

Ward sat in his bedroom in the large apartment, trying to ignore but inevitably listening to the loud argument between his roommate Fred and Matt's girlfriend Lydia. He had heard it all before anyway.

They had been going together for what must be seven months now, and for just about all that time Fred had been working on getting Renee into his bed. But Lydia was a virgin and would rather stay that way than give it up to somebody whom she wasn't sure would stick around after sticking it in her, as she put it once.

Ward certainly could understand that, but then his own inclination was to want a stable relationship with a woman, whether they were charring, dating, or trying for a world record for continuous balling. Though his preference was toward that last.

Especially since it had been six weeks since he got any. That was when he had broken up with Cecilia, his girlfriend of a year or so. Cecilia had been enthusiastic and agile in bed for almost all of that time - with Ward and at least three other guys in that year, he found out.

Thinking about that, added to the conversation in the other room, made ...

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