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F is for Fantasythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:other, 6153 words)

Author: Thesandman Picture in profile
Added: May 24 2005Views / Reads: 1920 / 1508 [79%]Story vote: 9.12 (8 votes)
Sometimes the fantasy is the fantasy itself.

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F is for Fantasy

By: Many Feathers

We'd only been married a short time, though we'd each been married before. And we'd made a promise to one another, both having suffered through the pains of rejection. Simply put, life was too short not to explore and enjoy our hearts desires.

I had told Carol early on that regardless of whatever fantasies she might have, I would do my level best to see that each and every one of them was fulfilled. Similarly, she had made that same promise to me.

It had started out as nothing more than a suggestion, but we both thought it might be fun to see where it led, see how it went. And if we held to our promises, then we both felt it would keep that fire, that passion we'd so missed knowing and having alive.

"So baby, what do you think?" she'd asked.

"I like it," I told her. "But it will only work if we both commit to doing it," I explained.

"I will if you will," she purred suggestively. I was already becoming aroused at just the thought of doing this before we'd even begun. ...

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