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My Best Friend's Little Sisterthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 1954 words)

Author: G-Man
Added: Jun 08 2005Views / Reads: 5054 / 4456 [88%]Story vote: 9.08 (12 votes)
My best friend's little sister answers a sex survey and demonstrates what she knows!

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Survey Says!

I was having a tough day and went over to may best friend's house to work out. While lifting weights he could tell that something was bothering me as I worked harder than usual. My muscles were popping out with a light sheen of sweat as I relished the pain of pushing my body beyond its limits. After a while, Mark broke the ice by asking what was going on. I told him how my wife and I were having troubles sexually after just 4 years of marriage. "It's like she isn't even interested in sex. I don't know what to do to excite her and I feel like I don't even know her," I blurted out. "Certainly after four years of marriage we should know how to please each other," I continued. Like a good friend Mark just listened and offered hi support. We finished our workout and put away the equipment for the day. After a while Mark said, "Maybe you should just ask her what she likes and dislikes." "I don't know about that, she's very private about these things," I responded. "Maybe you could give her a test or something?" he suggested. "Like a survey?" I asked. "Why not? At least you'll know for sure" he said. Why not indeed, I wondered.

We went up to his home office and started drafting some questions. At first it was hard, but after a while the questions started to flow. What would we want in an ideal woman? Some of the questions were as follows:


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