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My Impregnationthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:pregnant, 1461 words)

Author: Brigitte
Added: Jun 14 2005Views / Reads: 948 / 779 [82%]Story vote: 8.00 (9 votes)
I had been dreaming of having a baby with Michael since we had met and this is the story of the wonderful time when he showed up unexpectedly and my dreams came true.

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I was awakened by the telephone. That could only be Michael, my lover who I had not seen for several weeks since his wife discovered what he was up to. We had agreed to go quietly for a while. I excitedly jumped for the phone - I missed him, you see, and sure enough, there he was, and I agreed that he could call around and collect the book he had lent me.

When Michael arrived, I was dressed for work as normal - black underwear, black tights, black mid thigh skirt, grey top. I gave him the book and asked if I might kiss him. He put his arms around me, pressed me to him and started one of his wonderful kisses, his tongue burrowing into my mouth. He obviously missed me as much as I missed him. I threw my arms around him and started kissing him right back.

The kissing grew more intense and Michael's hands started to wander, first rubbing my back, then slipping under my top to touch my skin, then down over my skirt to my thigh, up under my skirt, then back up over my skirt and under my top, to cover my breast over my bra, then around to my back to the clip on my bra strap, then away again as he struggled with what he should do and what he wanted to do. I was merely reacting to him, not initiating anything, letting him sort himself in his own mind, feeling for him and hoping that he would decide in my favour....

His wandering hand was teasing me unmercifully, advancing then ...

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